Housecall did a great job on a condo I was looking to purchase in Carlsbad. Very detail oriented and explained everything to me after the home inspection. I highly recommend this company.         -  Sam in SD, San Diego

Blog Weather Related
Ten Ways To Keep Your Home Cool This Summer Without Breaking the Bank
Weather Related
(3 votes)
There are several actions you can take to help keep your home cool without spending a fortune on electricity. As the weather heats up, the need to maintain a comfortable temperature in the home becomes an absolute necessity. Consider the following home cooling tips, as each may help you reduce cooling costs during the summer months.
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Last Updated on Sunday, 11 August 2013 13:44
Weather Related
(4 votes)

What are Sinkholes?

Sinkholes are ground-surface depressions that result when a subterranean void weakens support of the overlying earth.
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Last Updated on Saturday, 29 January 2011 20:07

Housecall Property Inspections

Housecall Property Inspections
6826 Millbrook St.
San Diego, CA 92120